6th Element: the implementation

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The major part of the managers believe that the implementation is, by far, hardest of part of their work, much more of every strategic analysis.  A Fortune's review study reports that less than the 10% of the formulated strategies are actually implemented. This is principally due to two factors: 1) the markets change faster and faster and the forecasts become particularly tough, 2) the company capital becomes more and more intangible and so more complex to measure and manage.  The first point, although it is more difficult to measure and forecast, is inalienable and it is impossible to give up with the formulation of strategies more frequently revised. The second point is one of the greatest problems today companies face. In the past the major part of company capital was tangible (generally production goods, buildings ...), presently the intangible capital is the much more important respect to the tangible one.
Implementing a strategy where the intangible goods are prevalent is more difficult because in such a case the strategy cannot be imposed by the higher hierarchic level but has to be shared by the persons owning the intangible capital. The implementation consists of the detail planning, of the execution and of the time, cost, scope and risk control. 

  • None a day without a line. (Plinio il Vecchio)
  • Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.   (Wiston Churchill)
  • What does not destroy me, makes me stronger. (Friedrich Nietzsche)
  • The vision must be followed by the venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps – we must step up the stairs. (Vance Havner)

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